Jun 10, 2020
The absolutely simplest way to begin to Wake Up to and Shift From the voice of self-sabotage is this:
Pretend that the thoughts that flow through your mind each day (and there are hundreds of thousands of them daily, the majority of which you have been hearing for years now) pretend they are simply like a Pandora Music Station. Songs of one genre typically stream in.
In the beginning, you have no idea what Station to call in, so you’re hearing the same ole, same ole. Except that NOW, you can mentally click the thumbs down button, or Forward button, to skip to the next thought. You are not attached to that thought. No one will be angry that you didn’t like that thought and chose to skip to the next one. No one!
Feel the freedom of this!!!
Take a few deep breaths….
Once you get good at this….and it might take a week of daily skipping, you can NOW choose the station you want to listen to.
So, that station might be this:
I’m impressed with myself. Have no idea what’s happening, but I’m fairly impressed.
Or another…..Perfection is not the goal. Love is.
Try a day of….What do I really want.
Or….I’m on the lookout for a good laugh today.
Let us know what station(s) you listen to.
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